Tradition and innovation meet here by blending dining, leisure and community. 

Vik Restaurant, Bakery & Cafe is situated in the historic building that was owned by the Vik family for generations.

Its home-like atmosphere is reflected in the design, the hospitality and the goal of the house in general.

It is a meeting place for locals, a place for community and a social hub for travelers with a heart for good food.


Kristin Holm Dybvig is a Norwegian visual artist. Her works are primarily created in soft pastels, which gives an exceptional degree of intensity and fluidity in her drawings and facilitates her lyrical interpretations.

Kristin base her artwork on memories of places and experiences that are interpreted and recreated through colour. Kristins vibrant and lyrical use of color conveys her love for pristine nature to the viewer. By bringing together the past and present and by focusing on the experience, Kristin elevates the subject from place to atmosphere and from the specific to the universal.

The color of water

The magnificent nature in Eidfjord provides a fantastic backdrop to this summer exhibition “The color of water”  The long deep fjords, quiet mountain waters, impressive waterfalls, seething bogs, moss-covered pools and babbling brooks fill the landscape with life and are a constant source of inspiration for my work.A drop of water is clear and colourless, yet it is the element that has the richest pallet of them all. The landscape surrounding it is reflected and the sky mirrored. The ice in winter offers its own colour scale and the melting snow in spring brings algae to life with its very own palette. The seasons offer major colour changes, but even the days provide new palettes and lovely shades. Water has something mysterious about it.

The color of water

In the landscapes that surround us, both fauna and flora are open to us, while the water hides a diversity of life, water is the beginning and source of all life. Water acts both as a source of inspiration and as an eye-catcher and provides a place to rest the eye in my artworks. It is an element that gives life and direction and is an important part of the landscapes I create.We live in a country with a long coastline. Open on one side to the wide horizons of the North Sea, on the other side there is a completely different scenery with deep narrow fjords and more friendly and sheltered waters. These old landscapes formed by water captivates and give atmosphere and character to the colours that are shaped on the papers surface.